Commands used in the text chat

Most Useful Commands

Command Use
/Revive To revive your player after death
/911 Contacts Emergency line when dispatch is active
/311 Contacts Non-Emergency line when dispatch is active
/Showcad Brings up the in game CAD
/Setobs Allows you to set the medical condition for EMS
/anon Allows an anonymous message through chat
/attach Allows 2 vehicles to be joined ie: towtrucks
/detach Opposite of attach
/postal ### Replace ### with a postal code and the game will waypoint that location

General Commands

Command Use
/Startfire Starts a fire with desired conditions in front of player
/Startsmoke Starts smoke with desired conditions in front of player
/Stopallfires Stops all fires on the map
/Stopallsmoke Stops all smoke on the map

Roleplay Related

Command Use
/Takehostage Takes the nearest player hostage
/Camera Pulls out news video camera
/Cam Pulls out photo camera
/Carry Carrys the nearest player over your shoulder
/cuff Cuffs nearest player
/binoculars Player uses binoculars
/setinv Sets players inventory
/setvehinv Sets players vehicle inventory
/clearvehinv Reset players vehicle inventory